Who participates in EVkids?
- 100-130 pairs served over four sites in Dorchester and Roxbury, plus one permanent virtual site
- 80% of tutees return to EVkids tutoring every year
- 2+ years is the average length of a tutor-tutee pair
- 82% of tutees surveyed last year agreed with the statement, “I can solve most problems if I try hard.”
What is happening nationally?
- 76% of Black public school students and 79% of Latinx students graduate high school within four year, compared to 88% of white public school students.
- Low-income students are 5 times more and 6 times more likely not to graduate than their middle and high-income counterparts, respectively.
What is happening locally?
- 24.7% of Boston Public School students fail to graduate within 4 years
- 88% of students who dropped out were Black of Latinx students
- 45% of Boston adult residents have a bachelor’s degree
- Only 25% of Dorchester adults have a bachelor’s degree
- 36% of Dorchester adults lack a high school diploma
- Only 21% of Roxbury adults have a bachelor’s degree
- 15% of Roxbury adults lack a high school diploma
Why focus on long-term tutoring relationships?
- Low income students are 10% less likely to have a caring adult in their lives with access to effective college and career counseling
- Black students are 2 times more likely to say they wish they had more helpful adults in their lives
1 National Center for Education Statistics, 2009
2 https://www.bostonpublicschools.org/domain/238
3 Neighborhood Profiles, Boston Planning & Development Agency Research Division, August 2017
For 40 years, EVkids has adapted and changed to meet the needs of children, youth, and families in Dorchester and Roxbury. The following is a sampling of the data that drove a summer camp to start an after-school tutoring and mentoring program, the growth from one Tutoring site to four, and the development of the College Success Project.