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Our Impact


In December, EVkids students were invited to participate in a virtual Financial Literacy workshop. Lascelle M., a longtime EVkids program participant, camp counselor, and Youth Council member, currently studying Sociology at UMass Boston, reports back.

In November, EVkids students were invited to participate in a virtual workshop called “How to Destress/Knowing When You Are Becoming Stressed.” Jared B, a senior at Boston College High School and a member of the EVkids Youth Council, reported back about his experience.

As the FY2025 budget was finalized at the end of July, several vital line items that directly support mentoring and afterschool programs were partially vetoed by the Governor.

For over ten years, one of the many highlights of the EVkids Camp experience has been a visit to the Vermont Farm & Forest School at Drift Farmstead, where students get a lesson in growing food and appreciation for the environment and nature.

From its earliest days, EVkids Camp has provided a transformative experience for campers, with positive impacts that last long beyond their week or two away from home.